Fully Licensed and Insured to Inspect and Control Timber Pests
Timber Pest Inspections
Pre-Purchase Timber Pest Inspections
Active or Preventative Termite Treatments
Pre-Construction Termite Management
Termite Inspections including Warranty Inspections (i.e. FMC Homeguard)
Since the change in construction regulations in Australia and the implementation of new Australian Standards (A.S. 0488 207 423 Termite Management - New Building Work 2014), all new building works required to have termite management in place, must have a physical barrier in place to prevent concealed termite entry. Whilst this is great for new homes and buildings, what about older buildings? Well up until this change, chemically treated soil was the main solution to prevent termites entering. Unfortunately these chemicals don’t last forever.
With over a combined 15 years of experience in the Building & Pest Control industries, Jono has a wealth of experience in construction and dealing with both active and preventative termite treatments. He prides himself on staying up to date with the latest industry standards, techniques, technologies and treatments available to protect against active or possible termite infestations.
So if you, a family member or friend have termites or you would like some peace of mind, don’t hesitate to contact Wannon Weed & Pest Control for an obligation free quote to inspect or treat termites today.
Did you know that CSIRO Survey’s indicate that about 1 in 3 dwellings have termites within the property boundary. They are believed to cause more damage to dwelling’s than fires, floods and storms… Combined!!! And often referred to as “White Ants”, termites are actually more closely related to cockroaches than ants.
Of the 350+ species of termites here in Australia, only a handful of them are considered pests of economical significance to humans and unfortunately South-West Victoria has their own fair share. Of the species here in South-West Victoria that infest dwellings, need moisture survive. Without moisture, these termites simply can’t sustain a healthy and viable environment.
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